Welcome to

- Coaching On The Coast -

Helping people to learn all the skills they need for top quality mental health on the Dorset Coast!

Welcome to my website! I am Lisa, a fully Licensed and experienced Thrive Programme Coach, delivering a coaching programme to help people transform their mental health and wellbeing, build essential psychological skills and insights, and learn everything they need to know to feel back in control of their lives and happiness again.

I am based in Bournemouth, but also work a number of days a week in Southampton, and see huge numbers of clients (local, national and international!) via Zoom and Skype, from the comfort of their own homes. It’s not only convenient, but just as effective as face to face sessions, which means there are simply no location barriers to stop anybody learning to thrive with my help…!

I have been a Coach with The Thrive Programme for over 5 years now (trading as ‘Thrive with Lisa’), and have significant experience and expertise in delivering this programme to children, adults, couples and families alike. Head to my ‘Reviews’ page to see first hand accounts from previous clients talking about their journey through the programme with me.

“Coaching is unlocking people’s potential to maximise their own performance”

— John Whitmore

Lisa Erlandsen

Licensed Thrive Programme Coach, helping people to build life-changing mental health and wellbeing

I am a fully Licensed Coach for The Thrive Programme (TTP) and have been working in this role for around 5 years, seeing a huge range of clients with different symptoms and difficulties, from young people and teenagers right up to pensioners! I also see clients all over the world so if you have a good internet connection and the desire to learn to thrive, time zones allowing I would be very happy to discuss working with you.

I believe it’s really important that you have confidence that your Coach is not only experienced in the role and is confident in their ability to help their clients to achieve the best results possible, but is also passionate about using the programme in their own life too.

That’s why for me the fact that I chose to become a TTP Coach BECAUSE the programme helped me transform my own life and mental health first too is really important. It means I am hugely passionate about sharing my own journey, and my clients (see review page) feel confident knowing that I’ve been where they are, I understand it, and I’ve taken the same route they are about to (The Thrive Programme) to get out of it too.

Did you know?


  • During the course of a year, almost one in four people will suffer from some form of mental health issue or symptom, and 1 in 6 report a common mental health problem (like anxiety or depression) in any given week

  • Across England, 1.44 million people were in contact with mental health services at the end of July 2021

  • Around one in six (17%) adults aged 16 years and over in Great Britain experienced some form of depression in summer 2021, higher than those observed 6 months before the coronavirus pandemic, where 10% of adults experienced some form of depression

  • Nationally, one in ten children and young people need support or treatment for mental health problems

  • Research suggests that the rate of Armed Forces veterans with mental health conditions could be as high as 10%, compared to around 3% for the general population

  • Suicide in England and Wales is three times more common among men than among women

  • Between 14% and 26% of people reported drinking more alcohol than usual to cope during the pandemic.

In Dorset:

  • Depression and anxiety prevalence across Dorset has been increasing, with the latest estimates at 12.8% of adults

  • The majority (69%) of those in contact with mental health services at the end of July 2021 were adults (12,065), with 3,755 children using mental health services for young people

  • The number of people self-harming across Dorset is nearly twice the national average, and is particularly high amongst women

  • In Dorset, hospital admission rates for alcohol related harm continues to rise year on year and are significantly higher than the national average

Why Choose Me?

  • Local Coaching

    Based locally in Bournemouth, and seeing clients in wider Dorset and Southampton too, I am driven to help adults and young people to improve their lives and wellbeing, so they can make the most of their lives again

  • Experienced with TTP

    5 years of experience as a coach for The Thrive Programme (TTP), guiding clients to make positive, meaningful changes in their lives. Don’t just take my word for it - my former clients tell their stories on my review page

  • Lead TTP Coach on Emetophobia

    Extensive experience treating emetophobia in both adults, teenagers, children and families, a former emetophobe myself, and now a Lead Coach for the TTP emetophobia programme. (This page has more emetophobia info)

My work around alcohol/sobriety

As somebody who used to use alcohol very much as a coping mechanism, and is now sober, I am very passionate about leading an alcohol free life, and the benefits to anybody of doing the same if this is something they are interested in.

Alongside my TTP Coaching (where many clients over the years have come to see me struggling with drink, drugs, and other unhelpful coping behaviours), I am therefore also a Sobriety Ambassador for Bee Sober CIC, a non-profit multi-award winning community As an Ambassador, I help to bring non-drinkers together in Dorset for various events and socials, provide support in the online group for those struggling, and most of all I live (and advocate!) a sober, present life myself, having spent almost 4 of the last 5 years completely alcohol free too.

On top of this I have also been a part time Barista (or ‘Sobarista’ as I hastily called it when I was first asked!!) at ‘Sobar’. Sobar is the first alcohol free bar on the South Coast, based in Ashley Cross (Bournemouth/Poole), showcasing new and exciting sober drinks and cocktails to anybody wanting to give alcohol free drinks a try in a sophisticated bar environment!

What Is The Thrive Programme?

A groundbreaking mental health coaching programme to help you build the mental wellbeing and future you dream of, with skills you will learn and use for life.

Nobody should have to stay stuck with poor mental health for the rest of their lives - take the leap and with my help you can learn to understand and change it for yourself! Common mental health symptoms I often help people with are;

  • Anxiety and panic attacks

  • Depression and low mood

  • Emetophobia (phobia of vomit/sickness)

  • Phobias such as flying, spiders, snakes

  • School anxiety/school phobia in children and teenagers

  • Unhealthy behaviours (such as drinking, drugs, smoking, and food-related)

  • Self harming and/or or risky behaviours

  • Intrusive or suicidal thoughts

  • Low self esteem or social confidence

  • Feeling ‘stuck’ or unhappy in life

  • Dealing with major life events such as bereavement, relationship or financial changes

  • Sleeping difficulties or excessive worrying

To read more about the programme and how it can help you, or to book yourself in for a free introductory session with me, click the link below.


Mental Health, Coaching and Sobriety Blogging

I love writing blogs to share some of my thoughts, insights and Coaching experience. Read some of some of my most topical blogs below, or head to the blogs page to view and read the full collection!


Talking Body Image:

Why we really strive for perfection in our looks

Health Anxiety:

What makes people SO afraid of ill-health?

Reflecting on the Pandemic:

11 things I’ve learned during lockdown…