In my Bournemouth Clinic

“I’m writing my story so that others might see fragments of themselves.”

— Lena Waithe, screenwriter for Bones and Master of None

One of the best moments for me when working with a client, is seeing the change from the start to the end of that process. But what’s even more special is when they want to share their amazing (and very personal) journey with others, so that they can be inspired and motivated that change is possible for them too!

Here is a selection of just some of the written and video reviews received from clients who have worked through The Thrive Programme with me over the last 5 years. Keep an eye on my social media (‘Thrive with Lisa’) to see new written and video reviews whenever I receive them! Thank you so much to every single client that took the time to provide me with a review - they are more valuable to others who are struggling than you may ever know…

Client reviews

"Before seeing Lisa I was struggling with severe depression and anxiety which was impacting on my personal life as well as work (I held a position as a global CEO and Business Owner). For example I couldn't get out of bed, I'd break down emotionally, I would struggle to answer a call due to the fear of the unknown, and the most worrying part; I couldn't see a way out of it...

From session 1 with Lisa I noticed a difference, and I haven't looked back since (nearly 2 years)! Since then I've referred a number of contacts and close personal friends to Lisa and every single one of them has rang me to say thank you as it's changed their outlook and their lives too!

I'd encourage anyone who's struggling, especially in these strange times we find ourselves in, to do the Thrive Programme. You'll be met with a consultant who not only takes the time to understand your situation, but provides you with skills to help both now and in the future too... all you need is to want to change your life for the better. I wholeheartedly recommend using Lisa - and The Thrive Programme - to anyone!"

— James M, Bournemouth

“Lisa and the Thrive programme were really my first ever experience of the whole process of understanding my mind and the way it works. Initially a little voice in my head resisted the work and fully engaging with the sessions but I came to learn very quickly that this was part of the problem and the reason why I was doing Thrive in the first place! Very quickly pieces began to click and I was seeing benefits. Lisa was recommended highly by people I really respect and as we moved through the programme it was obvious why! The programme is exceptional and it’s delivered by someone who understands you because she’s been through it herself. I’ve got no hesitation in recommending Lisa, working with her is a no brainer. Life has improved beyond belief, I now understand the unhealthy patterns to my thinking, why they are there & how to stop it. Lisa is patient, understanding & will give you the truths you need to hear in the way you need to hear them”

— Tom, 2021

“One of the things I had a problem with before going through Thrive, was the faith I had in myself to be a great Personal Trainer. Of all the things I’ve learnt over the last few weeks, this area has been affected the most as a result of my new thinking. Not only do I now think I would be a great PT, I categorically do not believe I could do a bad job. My head doesn’t argue back anymore.

I am now actively looking for PT jobs all over the place and am prepared and armed with the skills for the next step!”

— Ollie, 2021

“Lisa, and The Thrive Programme, has helped me to live a normal life again, something I never thought I would get back…”

— Bex, 2018

“I just wanted to message you to thank you from my heart for taking me through the program. It has helped me massively and still is! At the moment where I feel a bit stuck with work and not knowing what I want to do, which direction to turn, I have been having moments of big doubts and feeling down, especially when I can see everyone around me moving on… But thanks to the program I am not letting those feelings affect me all the time. I allow myself a pity party for a little bit then I try to look at the positives and concentrate on that!

Without the program I know I would have been so very down and unhappy. Even though I feel unfulfilled in my professional life, because of Thrive I feel so much more able to deal with it and I always try to remind myself of the positives… And I can see the difference in me!  So even though I am still a work in progress I am so glad you took the time to go trough Thrive with me. I feel so much more able to handle things in a most positive (or at least less dramatic!) way so thank you so so much.”

— Sigvine, 2021


I found The Thrive Programme one anxious night as I scoured the internet for any sort of help for my emetophobia + generalized anxiety. By that point I’d tried therapy (various types), books, meditation … even a psychedelic trip which I thought might “cure” me. But nothing worked. In fact, I was worse off than ever. I knew I wanted to try to have a child, but I couldn’t imagine how I would ever be able to handle my future child vomiting, given my intense fear of sickness.

I really loved working with Lisa on the Thrive programme. She was kind and helpful, and also tough and honest, which I really appreciated. I always knew I’d have to be accountable to her, and that really helped me work hard! If I ever got off track I was able to get back on without too much trouble, and always kept the forward motion! Most of all I enjoyed being able to feel just how much I was changing and improving each week. It’s amazing to see your life changing before your own eyes.

The Thrive Programme has definitely helped me. Although there are many things I am still working on, I can truly say that I am not creating anxiety NEARLY as much now as I used to. In fact, I’m not creating anxiety much at all.

I would never have believed that were true just a few years ago… but I now realize just how powerful I am over my emotions and reactions. I have the power to create a good day or a bad day. I don’t always get it right but I can honestly say I’m a lot more calm than I used to be.

Since the Thrive Programme, I’ve actually faced quite a few challenges. I moved to a new city, applied for jobs for 4 months and then started a new job, and went through a loss and family illness. It hasn’t been easy, but I honestly do feel I’ve handled it all quite well - certainly much better than I would have before.”

— Jessica, 36


“I was having a bit of a breakdown, having left my job and was uncertain what I wanted to do with my life and was self destructing to some degree.

Competing 'The Thrive Programme' highlighted longstanding issues with my mental foundations and helped me to challenge various unhelpful thinking styles I had since my childhood. This helped me to re-evaluate my priorities and decide to pursue a new path.

After finishing my degree I had contemplated the teaching profession, but had dismissed it because my mental health were a weakness I had not dealt with, and as such, was reluctant to join what I perceived as a high stress job. Now, I am confident that I have the mental strength to succeed irrespective of the challenges I face.

Having only decided I wanted to become a science teacher in August; two months later and I am studying at Exeter University (#3 in the UK for the course!).

In the past when things were going well, it always felt very precarious. My mental well-being is substantially more robust now.”

— Glenn, Student (2019)


“Lisa noticed that I wasn’t quite myself before she even knew me personally.. I reached out to her after we met at networking and poured my heart out to her at which point I knew that there was something I needed to do to change. I enrolled onto the programme with Lisa as my support and guidance.

Slowly but surely I started to learn things about myself I was never fully aware of and realise my triggers to feeling really low or anxious. Fast forward a year I feel much stronger minded and ready to tackle challenges more head on whereas before I would have just avoided them. Not only did Lisa help me come through a time where I’ve felt at my lowest she’s given me a toolkit I’ll carry for life and for that I will always be grateful!”

— Fleur, Bournemouth


“I first came to Lisa because I was really struggling at university, and contemplating dropping out. I was on medication, and had had a lot of therapy before, but it wasn’t quite doing the trick. My father had been through the thrive programme a few years previously, and benefitted hugely from it, so recommended I tried it.

The one thing that really really stuck with me was this: If you can’t control your situation, you can ONLY control your reaction to it. For me, control was quite a big part of my depression and anxiety, feeling a desire to have it, but a lack of it. The teachings on control were really really helpful for me.

It has hugely improved my self-esteem, and it has taught me to think in far more healthy and helpful ways. It has given me small things to do when I am struggling, and wider, bigger ways to think all the time. The programme has really helped me to overcome my depression, which is still a work in progress, but a far easier task now!”

— Emma, Student

Amazing emetophobia client updates!


“Hi Lisa, Happy Holidays! I wanted to write to update you and also thank you.

Since finishing the program, I’ve done so many amazing things that I never could have imagined doing before like traveling, eating dinner at friends’ houses, and celebrating holidays.

I am so incredibly grateful for your patience and your support throughout the program. Now I’m thriving :) Thank you”

— Amelia, USA (Christmas 2019)

"Hi Lisa! Just wanted to let you know that my son was born on Monday morning in the pool at home as planned. I got my home birth, and it was amazing!! Completely trusted my body and myself, didn’t need any pain relief (not trying to be heroic but genuinely felt that all the strength I needed was within me - I know that sounds cheesy!). I was extremely nauseous at numerous points and almost sick but really managed my thinking well, even if I say so myself!!

Managing my thinking around being sick during the labour was by far the hardest part for me, but I did it! I was telling myself not to catastrophise and so forth. Still processing it all really and hoping to have time to do so over the next few days but just wanted to let you know and thank you for the help in listening to my voice in making those really important decisions about the birth! Hanna.”

— Hanna (March 2020)

"Hi Lisa,

So, shortly after our meeting, my son started screaming/gagging. I grabbed him and brought him into the bathroom where he continued to gag and scream that he couldn't breath because there was a marble stuck in his throat. Slightly terrifying for everyone but I bent him over and smacked his back until he threw up and the marble shot out. But I handled it all very well and didn't even yell for my husband. So, YAY! I'm doing it!

Thanks for all your support!

— Jean, USA (April 2020)

Meet Jackie!

Click to watch Jackie’s testimonial video talking about how she overcame depression and panic attacks - and went from not even going into shopping centres, to deciding to travel around Turkey and Egypt for 4 weeks by herself!!


Mum and 17yo daughter emetophobia/anxiety testimonial

“I’m a mum of a 17 yr old girl who from around the age of 8 has suffered with anxiety. It seemed to get worse as she got older and I tried everything to help her! From apps, meditating ones or just calming ones - they were all good in their own way but didn’t help her enough!
When she was going through secondary school and the stress and pressure got too much she would melt down and I would try to help and pick up the pieces every time. It was horrible to watch your child be so low and not knowing/ how to get through the hard times!

The panic attacks usually happened at night as that is when she over thought everything and couldn’t switch off. I took her to the doctors and they put us in touch with CAMHS, this was ok but she hated going to the appointments and it didn’t seem to help! Then about 18 months ago she came to me and told me she thought she had an eating disorder, I was mortified and got her help from the local eating disorder service, i couldn’t get my head round the fact that she had this problem but took her every week to her appts but I could still see that she wasn’t any happier and it wasn’t seeming to help!

Then at the start of the year everything started to add up, for example she would be vegetarian for a few months and then try to eat meat again, she would ask constantly about whether the food was in date or been cooked properly, and the big sign was her washing her hands constantly- they were red raw, bleeding and cracked! She was working with young children at the time so she was obviously so scared of picking up a stomach bug... I knew she wasn’t keen on being sick as last year she called me to come home from work as she felt ill -I didn’t think much of this at the time!

Then her little sister was sick in front of her and she literally fell to pieces - she had to move out to her grandads house for a few days -that’s when I looked up emetephobia! I found Lisa’s website and phoned left a message and she phoned straight back. I felt at once that I was doing the right thing and relieved that she said she could and would help, I booked in a session and didn’t look back - I thought my daughter wouldn’t want to go but I showed her the website and she was up for it!

I didn’t go into the sessions with her but I had my own book to work through... progress was slow to start with but one week suddenly something clicked into place with my daughter and she started to believe that she could get better. There were hard times along the way but I think they were needed to show her what to do and how to cope.

It has been about 2 months since she finished her sessions and I can honestly say that she has changed, her confidence has grown, she believes in herself and she’s just going out more, seeing friends and being a typical teenager! It’s really nice to see. Looking back I think I obviously picked her up when she was low and helped her along the way but she wasn’t being independent so she had to learn to be so.

There are times when she does come to me and I have to say ‘no - you do it - you can!! ‘ it’s been a really tough time but with Lisa’s help with the programme I feel really hopeful for my daughters future! Thank you so much for helping us and I mean us because I learnt loads too! Thank you Lisa.”

— Mum and daughter, Bournemouth, 2018



“I used to pride myself on being a really positive, confident and care free person until I suffered a major setback in my life. Almost over night I started to develop feelings of worry, self doubt and also what I later found out to be - anxiety. I’d heard the term anxiety a lot prior to that time but never thought in a million years that I would be a person to suffer from it. I thought it was a mental health condition that was linked to depression and once you had it, it was irreversible and you would have to take medication for the rest of your days.

Someone introduced me to the thrive programme book. So I bought it and set about reading it. I read it in a weekend, thought it was brilliant and raved about it. That was five years ago however since then it’s been put on the shelf and partly forgotten about. Yes it did help me at the time, but I had questions around the programme and had no one to discuss it with and no one to check on my progress. So my anxiety came back and got progressively worse to the point that I had little confidence or self worth.

5 years on - I had a chance meeting with Lisa, she encouraged me to read the book again and go through the programme with her. I am so glad I did as I am now pretty much free of anxiety and worry. It has changed my whole thinking style and outlook on life. I now know that I have the tools to deal with any set backs that might occur along the way. Lisa explained things in more detail and was on hand to educate me if I suffered ‘a blip’ as to why it had occurred and how to get back on track...

I can’t thank Lisa enough for giving me my life back. I would recommend this programme to everyone - to fully gain an understanding of who you really are and why and what to do to improve your mental wellbeing. Thank you Lisa, thank you THRIVE!!"

— Jo, Bournemouth

A selection of video testimonials from my clients


“My name is Tash and I’m 23. I saw the thrive book when I was about 16, searching for anything to help my crippling fear but wasn’t even able to buy the book incase it included the words sick or vomit. At that stage in my life just reading those words would cause me to have a panic attack! Later, I realised that I wanted to go into teaching and the one thing holding me back was my phobia. I just wanted to live a normal life free of being constantly scared of going anywhere new, on public transport, hospitals, eating certain foods, going on a night out etc. I researched for something to help me and I came across the thrive programme once more and decided to give it a go!

The support from my Consultant Lisa was amazing, knowing she has been through the exact same thing was very reassuring. I had tried out therapy in the past, and I could tell he just didn’t ‘get it’, whereas this was completely different with thrive! The best part was the fact that it focused on me as a whole person and at no point did anyone tell me that I had to be sick or watch videos of it, to get over it!

I am a way more confident person now! I used to have the fear in the back of my mind about 85% of the time! Now I barely think about it and it doesn’t stop me from doing things that I would like to do. For example, following the programme, I recently got on a plane to visit my dad in Prague which I was terrified to do before due to overloading thoughts of ... what if someone was ill? How could I escape? What if I caught something?

The best thing, however, is the fact that I have been brave enough to complete my teaching degree and have become a qualified teacher! I have not let the fear of germs stop me and I can definitely say that if it hadn’t have been for the Thrive Programme, I could never have done it!! I would definitely recommend it! It has changed my life so much for the better!”

— Tash, 23


“Hi I’m Alex and I’m 41. I contacted Lisa, my local Thrive Consultant, in October 2019 after realising that I needed to tackle my problems with sleeping, finally recognising how much of an effect it was having on my productivity at running my business amongst other things.

When I first came to see Lisa, sleeping 3 hours or less a night had become routine for me. It almost seemed normal, something I just had to put up with. Until I completed The Thrive Programme I never knew I could change this. I didn’t realise how stressed and anxious I was too (I assumed I was grouchy or ‘wired’ with anxiety simply because I was tired), and also how much I was struggling to cope with the inevitable ups and downs of running a business.

I thought it must be normal for businesspeople to feel this way all the time if their work wasn’t steady… I was considering other work options entirely when my wife found The Thrive Programme and suggested I give it a go. I was sceptical at first but after 2 sessions I had my first night of 5 hours sleeping and, whilst it was only a small improvement, that showed me that it might be possible to change my life and from that day on I worked even harder to study and use the programme, and haven’t looked back.

What surprised me was how many other things have changed for the better now I’m ‘thriving’! Now not only do I sleep soundly (sometimes even for 7 or 8 hours without waking), but I feel relaxed and in control of my life and my business again! I’ve stopped snapping at my wife and the kids, and I genuinely feel the calmest I can ever remember. I would recommend this programme to everybody - understanding your mind is a hugely powerful tool and I now feel like I can go on and achieve anything - both personally and professionally - with these new skills.”

— Alex, 41

A Q&A with Jake, who worked with me to overcome anxiety and panic attacks

1. What brought you to The Thrive Programme?

My name is Jake, I’m 36 years old and live in London. I had heard about the Thrive Programme over the years but never fully committed to doing the course. I had been suffering from anxiety since about 23 years old. Whilst I was (on the surface) fully functioning and successful, anxiety played a huge part in my life and really stopped me from enjoying things which I would have otherwise loved. I had many ups and downs over the years, sometimes I was not so bad and other times I would get bad anxiety just standing in line at the supermarket. I guess the low point would have been having shots of whiskey prior to taking a train, plane or important meeting. There were so many times over the years I just resigned myself to the fact that I would never be ‘anxiety free’, though that was not through lack of trying. It’s crazy to think of how many different courses, therapists and programmes I went through looking for a “cure”, I tried CBT, counselling, acupuncture, a healer, naturopaths, NLP, hypnotism, a 10 day silent meditation retreat sleeping on a concrete bed with a wooden pillow, living with a zen monk in Japan and taking ayahuasca in the jungle (5 times!) to name a few. I randomly saw something online about the Thrive Programme in 2019 and decided to totally commit to it and do sessions with Lisa which has now brought me to writing this review!

2. What did you get out of going through The Thrive Programme with me? Was there a core thing within the course that stood out for you/made a big difference?

When you describe something as ‘life changing’ it can sound a bit over the top however the course generally has been that for me. I’ve totally changed the way I think and it has made such a difference to my life. Whereas previously I would have had some form of anxiety on a daily basis, I am now struggling to remember when I last felt anxious! Learning that feelings aren’t happening to me was a big game changer - previously if people would have suggested I was creating anxiety for myself I would have got a bit defensive, because it just seemed so ridiculous that if I could control it that I would decide to create these types of feelings. However once I started to learn how my thinking patterns and limiting beliefs were effecting me it was pretty easy to change it all.

3. Did you enjoy the experience? Did anything surprise you?

I really enjoyed it. That’s not to say it wasn’t hard work and it didn’t require a whole lot of commitment from my end however it was totally worth it. I was surprised when I took the self-esteem quiz, as I always felt like I had had pretty high self esteem. But what I didn’t realise was I was never actually processing positive things I had done or achieved, it was almost as if I was slagging myself off and being my worst critic, which I didn’t realise I was doing.

4. Has The Thrive Programme helped you? If so, how would you say your life has changed going through the course, and afterwards.

Yes it totally has - I know look forward to things which previously I would have been anxious about. Something just as simple as going for a meal now doesn’t need to be some thing where I need to look at the location before we go, sit near an exit or drink during so that I can comfortably hang out with my friends. There are too many things to mention in a few sentences but it really has helped me immensely.

5. Finally, would you recommend the programme to others?

Absolutely. I have already referred several friends to Lisa who have had the same experience as me. Going through the book in a structured way with a consultant makes a huge difference and is worth every penny. Everyone is always quick to spend money on clothes, holidays or nights out but when it comes to mental health or well being they suddenly worry about costs - in my mind that is the wrong way around, there is nothing more important than your state of mind and happiness, so paying for a course like this at ten time the price would still be a bargain.


“Thank you so much - and thank me too! I am proud of me, for doing the work, for being open, honest and vulnerable, for challenging my beliefs and thoughts and for making conscious decisions to change the things which have held me back. I also know that I needed a kick-ass cheerleader to show me the way and keep me accountable when wandering off in the direction of a pity party - so thank you!”

— KD, Poole

“What can I say other than THANK YOU! It’s been a rollercoaster to say the least but I truly feel like I am coming out the other side. You have given me tools for LIFE that no A Level, degree or job for that matter will ever teach me. I can’t wait to follow your story of success whilst I pave my own way too. Thank you thank you thank you!”

— HD, Christchurch

“Thank you for your lessons. You have helped so much, and every time [11 year old son] and I have finished speaking with you, we both feel lighter. You have really opened my eyes so that I see the world quite differently and approach things from a new angle! [Son] is doing amazingly well and he appears to be back to his chirpy self again. I now know not to take anything for granted though and will continue to keep an eye on his thinking.”

— Mother and 11yo son, New Forest

“It’s funny because after I overcame my emetophobia this summer I saw so many butterflies outside; they’re a reminder to me to keep growing, changing, and challenging myself towards the life I want. Thank you Lisa for getting me there!”

— Grace, 18

Wondering how they’re doing now?

These two clients of mine were both kind enough to film ‘progress videos’, with one recorded immediately after finishing the programme with me, and another one a year on talking about how they were doing!



Lauren came to see me struggling with emetophobia and high levels of anxiety. 4 weeks into the programme, she was feeling so much better, she even took her two kids backpacking around Europe with her husband, and she talked about it in her first video HERE.

Fast forward a year, and she decided to do another video update - click below to hear it! She’s now even qualified as a Thrive Programme Coach herself and is helping her own clients too!



Ella came to see me struggling with chronic fatigue, emetophobia, anxiety and a condition called POTS, which she felt was making her quality of life incredibly poor. She would often suffer with random dizziness and fainting so often panicked about going outside, which she talked about it in her first video HERE.

Fast forward a year, and she decided to do another video update - click below to hear it! She’s now absolutely loving her university life, has gone ‘from failing every class to first class results’, and is well and truly continuing to thrive!


My name is Julia and I’m 14 years old. For the past 5 years I have had emetophobia, anxiety, and OCD. I would suffer panic attacks constantly created by large or simply small little things –– related or unrelated to sickness. I felt extremely powerless in my life, and I wasn't living it to my fullest. At times I felt I would never escape my phobia and that I was stuck with it forever. I had just experienced the toughest month I had ever encountered with my phobia when I found the thrive programme. I went through the young person's edition of the emetophobia book, but I wasn't cured completely. I realized that I hadn't worked hard enough on it and its teachings –– so my mom and I found a consultant and bought the adult book. I am currently on chapter 11 and I feel so full of knowledge and in control of my life. I don't find myself avoiding every opportunity I’m given out of fear of my phobia being triggered, and I finally feel like I’m living.

A few weeks ago, I was at home when my dad went unconscious and collapsed in our kitchen. I was looking at him just as it was happening. Watching his body suddenly turn limp and his face drain of color was terrifying. My first thought was to panic and cry even though I didn't want to. But after I registered that I was telling myself to panic, I realized I didn't have to. I was creating the panic, nothing else was. I was completely in control of how I reacted to this situation –– something I never would have recognized without the help of the programme. I stayed calm and rushed over to help my dad. While my sister called an ambulance, I stayed with him. I know that I never would've been able to do that several months ago. I would have stood watching him from afar, frozen with fear. But I dove right in to help.

When he collapsed, he hit his head and broke many dishes. As someone with emetophobia –– whenever someone would hit their head, I would get extremely anxious and I would find it hard to calm myself down. But this time my only concern was finding out what happened to him. I didn't even have time to let myself go down that stressful road of “Oh my god, he hit his head. What if it’s a concussion? That's really scary, I can’t cope with this.” Instead I sat next to him, held his head and applied pressure to his wound. I talked to him, trying to calm him down and make sure he was okay: physically and mentally. I remained calm and collected myself for myself and for him. Once he was at the hospital it was just me and my sister at home. There was a huge mess, but someone had to clean it –– so I started to. Cleaning up also involved washing all the blood off the floor and towels.

But instead of being terrified of even looking at it because the memory would be too painful, I talked to myself. I realized that the towel had no significance to my feelings and that I had no reason to let it make me upset. So I cleaned it up, made my bed and talked to myself. In that situation I realized how I reacted was completely up to me. Obviously, I was a little upset, but I didn't let the anxiety and distress get to me. I know that I never would've been able to react the way that I did if I hadn't put in the effort that I have while going through the programme. Truly an amazing feeling and I can't even imagine what life would be without this programme.”

— Julia, 14 years old, USA

Contact me.

If these testimonials have inspired you to start your own Thrive Programme coaching journey with me too, contact me using the form to the right or via the details below ,and let’s set you up with a free introductory session to discuss further!
07393 618831 (phone, text or WhatsApp)